The year is 2189 and our anti-hero, Shatter, is wrecking havoc in the city of Demotropolis. Shatter rips through the law enforcement of Demotropolis and bump heads with the secretive government rebel forces, DSTRK. Shatter takes no sides. As his anarchist attitude draws more followers from the underbelly of Demotropolis, Shatter becomes a threat to everyone in power.
When Shatter crosses the line and kills three important citizens, the government sends in an elite force to take him down. But Shatter will do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means burning down the city of Demotropolis.
Genre: Sci-fi/Cyberpunk
Writer: Newton Lilavois & TJ Sterling
Cover Artist: Caanan White
Interior Illustrated by Edgy Ziane and Salo Arte
Colored by Loris Ravina and lettered by Deron Bennett of Andworld Design.
Total Pages: 104