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Creative Team of Crescent City Monsters
Crescent City Monsters started as a webcomic and with funding from successful Kickstarter campaigns became printed books. This is the team behind the amazing journey.

Newton Lilavois
Newton Lilavois, comic book writer and publisher of Dream Fury Comics, was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and grew up in Brooklyn, New York City. When Newton is not writing computer code as an IT consultant, he's writing stories for graphic novels and comic books. He currently resides in the Bronx with his wife, two daughters, and their chocolate lab.

Gian Carlo Bernal
Gian Carlo Bernal is an artist and lives in the Philippines with his son and wife. In 2014 after 11 years as a graphic designer, he left his job to become a comic book illustrator. He's never looked back. Gian has drawn for other Kickstarter comic book campaigns, such as the Last Days of Kevin and Ronin. He's been quoted as saying "And now I am happy to be working on Crescent City Monsters. I will draw until I die, my body rots, and I will come back as a zombie and draw comics again."
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